Welcome to the Real World

Ummar Khalid
3 min readNov 4, 2020

Welcome to the real world

I keep telling myself. Can just accepting reality bring any semblance of peace? The last time I poised myself with this phrase was ten minutes ago. The next does not seem to be too far off.

The United Nations has chosen political alliance over human rights. The United Nations has chosen political alliance over genocide. The United Nations has chosen politics over people’s deaths.

Why am I so surprised, right? That’s how the real-world works. What’s a few dead bodies to a trade deal? Why stand up against abuses when you stand to gain from the abuses. Or you think you’ll lose something by helping others.

Am I just supposed to be Cypher from the matrix? Oh, we’ve seen the truth, we know the suffering, but fuck it, plug us back in. Ignorance is bliss and alongside money, everything else is piss. Piss on freedom. Piss on value for life. Piss on your own self-respect as you watch humans like you die because you don’t want to do anything about it. Fuck that, get pissed off. Better than being pissed on. Because one day the rain will pour heavy on us too. Will silence still be golden?

You might’ve heard of modern-day concentration camps. Of families torn asunder for ‘re-education’. Did you also hear of mass murder, of rapes, of forced marriages, essentially genetic cleansing?
Of organ harvesting? Of starvation? Of forced Labour?
That’s China.
That’s what’s occurring in the Xinjiang province, previously East Turkestan. Chinese government has openly reported more than a million people, Uyguyr Muslims locked in concentration camps.
An official NASA Senior engineer, Uyguyr American and activist Dr Erkin Sidick, with ties to officials in Beijing reports these numbers as a misdirection, stating holocaust-esque numbers of those in camps and presumed dead.

This is what the UN has effectively promoted, since 2013, according to Emma Reilly, UN human rights lawyer and whistle-blower. As put in the official words of a UN internal council review, “The management was naturally and primarily interested in good relations with the member state; The Complainant was interested in human rights and the protection of human rights activists.”

The heroes praise she gets for standing up for people like us? Deprived of function, pressure at work and to watch the criminal, her boss, get promoted.

The UN has freely given over the names of Uyghuyr activists to Chinese officials, leading to the harassment of their families and unlawful detainment, by the standards of the UN itself.

As a direct consequence to speaking out one activist’s brother has been reported arrested and another lost both his parents to the concentration camps. Yes, this is genocide. Yes, we are complicit. Yes, we must do something about it.

I am not so ignorant to believe this is just a Chinese issue. This is a power issue. We see it everywhere. Nigeria, Palestine, US, UK, Kashmir, Saudi, Niger, Yemen, Egypt, you name it. These are just stories from places that sprung to mind.

When people speak out for justice people suffer.

It is like we have to keep pushing to only gain more pain, but everything has a breaking point. We’ve just got to get there.

Your force counts.
Your voice matters. See the similarities in your struggles. Find your allies. Stand together.

One by one, bit by bit, things will change.
Fear can only control you if you let it.

Peace n luv.

Link to Emma Reilly’s interview on LBC: https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1322928964273348610

Interview with Dr Erkin Sidick: https://bylinetimes.com/2020/08/24/death-is-everywhere-millions-more-uyghurs-missing/

Excerpt from the UN Review:

